【 展覧会】京都市京セラ美術館「跳躍するつくり手たち」への協力参加/ Exhibition

English version is below.

京都市京セラ美術館で開催中の「跳躍するつくり手たち:人と自然の未来を見つめるアート、デザイン、テクノロジー」でのTAKT PROJECTの作品に協力参加しています。

協力参加している作品は、2020年より継続中の東北リサーチで得た視点をもとに、新作として発表された「black blank」と「フィールドノート : 東北リサーチ」のリサーチ・構想です。

問いをたて、現地を巡り、出会ったものごとをもとに、たち現れた作品。構想し形を与え作品として定着させる。躍動的なTAKT PROJECTの仕事を間近で見ることができた稀有な経験でした。TAKT PROJECTの提示する視点と実現のクラフトの力にはいつも尊敬の念を抱きます。



TAKT PROJECTをはじめ、そのほかの展示からも、美しさに感銘を受けると共に、見えていないけれど、ほんとうは大切なこととは何かを考えるきっかけをくれる展示会です。




TAKT PROJECT《black blank》(2023)











TAKT PROJECT《glow ⇄ grow: globe》(2023)


TAKT PROJECT《glow ⇄ grow: globe》(2023)



‘Visionaries: Making Another Perspective: art, design and technology looking to the future of man and nature’ has been held at the Kyocera Museum of Art, Kyoto.
pear LLC, Kurihara, collaborated on the new works in which TAKT PROJECT designed ‘black blank’ and ‘Field Notes, which: Tohoku Research’, based on the perspectives gained from the ongoing Tohoku research since 2020.
The works that emerged are based on the questions we gained, the places we visited and the things we encountered through the fieldwork. I have always admired TAKT PROJECT’s unique perspective and the power of its craft to realise it.

One of the works, Field Notes: Tohoku Research, illustrates how our findings in the field relate to people living in contemporary society. Reasoned understanding, as in ‘thinking with the head’, and perception, as in ‘feeling and thinking with the whole body’, are both essential for us.
On the other hand, looking back at myself daily, I focus more on thinking with my head. When I think about sustainable living, many things are intricately interrelated between myself and the world inside and outside me. I want a perceptual sensitivity to feel my inner and outer existence.

TAKT PROJECT and the other exhibits are inspiring in their beauty, and at the same time, they give us an opportunity to think about what is essential, even though we cannot see it.
Thank you for allowing me to participate in creating these outstanding works.

The exhibition will be open until 4 June, so please drop by if you are in Kyoto.